How small businesses can use the popularity of emojis and memes in their marketing.

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Hand pointing to iPhone.  icons, and emoticons on smartphone screen vector illustration.


The average adult’s attention span is around 20 minutes, according to most research. While people can choose to refocus their attention on the same activity over and over again, attention lapses are inevitable.

To keep social media users engaged and looking forward to what’s next, you have to keep them looking, scrolling, and excited.


Marketing’s role in a business.

‘Without marketing, our brands will not be lit and will die’ -HBR
Marketing is essential for building ties between customers and a company’s product or service.
Consumer loyalty and retention are based on the foundation of marketing.

Emojis and memes are two examples of popular culture.

If you’ve lately been on the Internet or used your mobile device, you’ve probably seen new trends in the shape of emojis, memes, and GIFs.

As they grow and proliferate over every screen, website, and even into the online marketplace, we’re left wondering if and when to use them in business scenarios.
Defining a meme is more challenging. A meme is a viral notion or action that spreads quickly on a social media site.

Texting, 140-character Tweets, and Internet jargon have resulted in a generation of Internet-savvy youngsters who struggle with grammar, reading, and writing.
Some critics argue that using emojis & memes reduces our ability to communicate;
While this is true for young children who are still learning how to speak properly, it may not have the same effect on adults.

Consider how frequently you read body language and emotions when chatting in person before rejecting the usage of emoticons and GIFs in business environments.!



Why you should use memes and emojis to sell your business in the digital space?

  1. Humanize your brand                     

When your target audience believes in your brand, they are more likely to spread the word and become loyal customers.’

Including emoji in your online interactions might help your business seem more personable and relatable. Emojis, which are commonly used in text messaging, chat, and personal social media postings, can help you personalize your brand and communicate with your audience.

Very is an online store that sells clothing from brands like Ralph Lauren and Nike, among others. The brand routinely posts memes for entertainment.

What is the goal? They’re interacting with their community online.


    2. Boost your audience’s interest in what you’re saying.

Why do people interact with their friends and family using emojis? They’re interesting! When employed effectively, emojis have the potential to significantly increase brand engagement.
Emoticons inspire individuals to interact with them because they stick out among text messages and exude a warm, informal attitude.
Emoji-enhanced push alerts are becoming more popular, according to Sprout Social, social media management, and intelligence tools for businesses and government agencies.


  3. Give your content some context.

Incorporating emoji into your marketing content could help to contextualize your message. Emojis can express feelings that words alone cannot.
When you only have a few characters to work with on social media platforms like Twitter, emoji can help you add depth and emotion to your message when you can’t use additional words.



Man choosing his opinion with smiley faces on the touch screen.


Tips for using emojis and memes in your business’s marketing activities.

  • Social media emojis
    Emoji and social media make a great team. People use emoticons daily to spice up their social media content and engage with their friends’ posts. There’s no reason your business can’t follow suit. Incorporate emoji into your social media posts to increase interaction.
    Inviting your followers to respond to your post with an emoji is a simple approach to boost engagement.
  • Email marketing with emojis.
    Emojis aren’t just for public-facing sites like social media, though they’re more popular there. Emojis have been shown to enhance engagement and open rates in email marketing campaigns.
    Emoji should emphasize a specific message rather than replace words in email marketing.
  • In sponsored social advertising, emojis are used.
    Emojis in sponsored advertising, similar to those used in social media posts, may improve ad interaction.



  • Consider whether emojis and memes are appropriate for your company’s tone before using them in your marketing strategy. Also, conduct some research before using any emoticons or memes to understand what they mean. You must first understand your target demographic to predict how they will react to emoji marketing.
  • The employment of emoji by other companies does not guarantee that the same strategy will work for you. Discover how your target audience interacts with your content, and where they are most engaged.


‘’Pandora Agency is a forward-thinking marketing communications firm.
What sets us apart is our thorough understanding of our client’s vision, from concept to implementation of ideas from start to finish.


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